Q + A

 Q: The course is sold out - what do I do?

 A: The Sewrella Method actually isn't available yet! It will be open for sale on March 27th, 2020. We published the website early so that you can browse the course listing, check out our chapter previews, take the quiz, and read through the q+a.

Once the course is live it won't ever sell out so don't worry about beating others to the punch. We'll be here.

Jump on our email list (scroll down to the footer of this page) to be the first to know when the course goes live!

 Q: Who is the Sewrella Method for?

 A: This course is for anyone that's interested in how I built the Sewrella blog, the good and bad along the journey, and how I maintain this website now including real data and actual steps to create a design-based craft blog.

 Q: What's included?

 A: The Sewrella Method includes the following five lessons that each include progressive chapters to work through covering every detail of that lesson topic as well as a course introduction! Chapters include my own data, walk-through videos, downloadable checklists, and more (where applicable).

Also included is lifetime access to the Neighborhood, our forum for students only. It's a place to gain support, ask questions, peek at my own data in real time, make friends, help each other, and be a good neighbor. We believe that rising tides lift all boats and we worked hard to create a space for Sewrella Method students to gather together in community.

Course content:

Lesson 1: design
Lesson 2: the setup
Lesson 3: photography
Lesson 4: revenue streams
Lesson 5: social media

(View the course listing here to see a full breakdown of chapter contents)

 Q: Can I start and maintain a monetized craft blog with this course?
(AKA will I make money???)
A: This course is written to set you up for success in every way possible - from designing a strong pattern to (yes!) even making money. However - there is no golden ticket to blogging success or making money online. The experience I've communicated in these chapters gives you the perspective I didn't have when I started my business, but you have to do the work. My goal with this course is to lead you through your own unique blogging journey with some friendly instruction and a community of educated, like-minded peers.  

 Q: I don't crochet or knit - is this course for me?

 A: This course is an experience-based roadmap built from my own crochet and knitting pattern blog. Although you can use some of the information included to create a blog based on other topics, some chapters (like "design") won't be applicable. Other chapters like "the setup" and "revenue streams" will be largely applicable to other topics. Our community forum will focus on tactics related to our core theme of crochet and knitting pattern design, so keep that in mind if you're looking to build a blog about something else.

Q: Are there startup costs other than this course to get my own blog going?

 A: In a word, yes. Things like hosting, blog templates, and photography items cost money but there are many free solutions I go over in the course that are a great option for starting out. These extra costs can also be staggered so that you can begin/continue working on your blog without investing lots of money up front.

 Q: I'm not sure if the course is right for me - can you help me decide?
 A: The free Method Quiz can! 

Q: Can I access the Community Forum without purchasing the course?
A: So sorry, the community forum is for Sewrella Method students only! That way we keep the group full of engaged, dedicated bloggers just like yourself.

Q: How long will the course take me to complete?

 A: There are 48,000+ words within the course as of it's publication. According to google, the average person's reading speed for technical material (which I believe this to be) is 50 words per minute. This means, hypothetically, The Sewrella Method would take 16 hours to read through.

Obviously, this material isn't a novel that you breeze through and finish - it's more like a really fun textbook. You'll need to take breaks, implement the material, or take notes. So take this with a grain of salt and move through it at the speed that works for you.

Q: Is there a time limit on the course?

 A: Nope! Move at your own pace. The course material isn't going anywhere, it will only be added to over time. So if it takes you a week or a year to read through, it'll be here when you're ready.

If you have additional questions feel free to email method@sewrella.com.